Show #592

Fromthebunker/ October 13, 2020/ graham, mcconnell, McGrath, SCOTUS, Shows, Voting

Legs and Jody were in the Bunker.
ACB is in her judicial hearing to be able to take away the ACA and Roe. And she doesn’t answer questions directly.
Beware fake dropboxes.
Over 11 million votes have been cast so far.
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Show #572

Fromthebunker/ May 26, 2020/ Karens, Masks, Shows, Trump, Voting

Sean & Jody were in their respective bunkers. Some echo, not as bad as 2 weeks ago.
All you Karens out there, stop, just stop. You are making fools of yourselves in parks and grocery stores, and some of your behavior is criminal.
We discussed mask…