Episode 575 – Steele, Cash, and Hyde

Tim Corrimal/ October 4, 2020/ 2020, 750, analysis, ayman, Biden, blue, blue wave, cnn, comedy, corona, coronavirus, cortes, covid-19, Debate, democracy, democrat, fake, glbt, gop, harris, image, joe, lesbian, liberal, man, mohyeldin, morning, netrootsradio.com, news, photoshopped, Podcast, Podcasts, political, politics, potus45, presidential, progressive, project, radioforhumans.com, shut, Taxes, Tim Corrimal, Up, vote

The Tim Corrimal Show Episode 575 – October 4, 2020 On episode 575 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Joe (@Marnus3 on Twitter) from The Poorly Written Political Blog, Francie (@Francie57 on Twitter), Seth (@SethP23 on Twitter) from the VEGANesp Blog, and Adam Hebert (Adam Hebert on Facebook) from RadioForHumans.com. […]

Episode 575 – Steele, Cash, and Hyde

Tim Corrimal/ October 4, 2020/ 2020, 750, analysis, ayman, Biden, blue, blue wave, comedy, corona, coronavirus, cortes, covid-19, Debate, democracy, democrat, fake, first, glbt, gop, harris, image, joe, lesbian, liberal, man, mohyeldin, morning, netrootsradio.com, news, photoshopped, Podcast, Podcasts, political, politics, potus45, presidential, progressive, project, radioforhumans.com, shut, Taxes, Tim Corrimal, vote

The Tim Corrimal Show Episode 575 – October 4, 2020 On episode 575 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Joe (@Marnus3 on Twitter) from The Poorly Written Political Blog, Francie (@Francie57 on Twitter), Seth (@SethP23 on Twitter) from the VEGANesp Blog, and Adam Hebert (Adam Hebert on Facebook) from RadioForHumans.com. […]

Show #570

Fromthebunker/ May 12, 2020/ covid-19, SCOTUS, Shows, Taxes, Trump

Sean and I were in our respective Bunkers. There was a bit of echo, sorry. It happens sometimes. We’re going to try a different way to do it next time.
Trump and Covid.
Trump and women.
Elon Musk is losing it.
And much more!
Hope you enjoy thi…