Show #587

Fromthebunker/ September 8, 2020/ DeJoy, Michael Cohen, Shows, Trump

David and Jody were in the Bunker and returning champion, Betsy Goldman joined us via the internet. There is a bit of an echo on this show. Still working out kinks on Jody’s end with the new gear. So, bear with Jody on this.
Louis DeJoy is i…

Show #584

Fromthebunker/ August 18, 2020/ DeJoy, DNC, Russia, Shows, USPS

Legs and Jody were in the Bunker.
The DNC has begun! Sean didn’t watch it, but Jody did. She likes the format.
Sean’s website is fixed, so go to it and subscribe!
Finally, Susan B. Anthony has been pardoned!
DeJoy has suspended his ratf*e…