Episode 571 – GOPOFF

Tim Corrimal/ August 30, 2020/ 2020, act, blue, blue wave, comedy, convention, cooper, corona, coronavirus, covid-19, democracy, democrat, glbt, gop, hatch, hatch act, joy, King, lesbian, liberal, lies, maddow, National, netrootsradio.com, news, nicolle, Podcast, Podcasts, political, politics, potus45, progressive, rachel, radioforhumans.com, reid, republican, RNC, Tim Corrimal, vote, wallace

The Tim Corrimal Show Episode 571 – August 30, 2020 On episode 571 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Joe (@Marnus3 on Twitter) from The Poorly Written Political Blog, Cathy (@Cathy47204163 on Twitter) and the Let’s Remember To Never Forget Facebook Page, Lauren Mayer (@LaurensComedy on Twitter) from […]

Episode 570 – My Poison

Tim Corrimal/ August 23, 2020/ 2020, Biden, blue, blue wave, brayden, comedy, convention, corona, coronavirus, covid-19, democracy, democrat, democratic, DNC, glbt, gop, harrington, harris, joe, kamala, kristin, lesbian, liberal, National, netrootsradio.com, news, Podcast, Podcasts, political, politics, potus45, progressive, radioforhumans.com, romney, Tim Corrimal, urquiza, vote

The Tim Corrimal Show Episode 570 – August 23, 2020 On episode 570 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Joe (@Marnus3 on Twitter) from The Poorly Written Political Blog, Cathy (@Cathy47204163 on Twitter) and the Let’s Remember To Never Forget Facebook Page, Justice Putnam (@justiceputnam on Twitter) from […]

Episode 566 – Donald’s Unscientific Mind and Brain Assessment

Tim Corrimal/ July 26, 2020/ 2020, Beto, Biden, blue, blue wave, brzezinski, clinton, comedy, convention, corona, coronavirus, covid-19, democracy, democrat, democratic, desantis, glbt, gop, hillary, honoré, joe, lesbian, liberal, netrootsradio.com, news, O'Rourke, Podcast, Podcasts, political, politics, potus45, progressive, radioforhumans.com, reid, the reid out, Tim Corrimal

The Tim Corrimal Show Episode 566 – July 26, 2020 On episode 566 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Joe (@Marnus3 on Twitter) from The Poorly Written Political Blog, Lauren Mayer (@LaurensComedy on Twitter) from http://laurenmayer.com,  John Bridevaux (@BlueDotInTexas on Twitter) from his awesome video blog A Blue […]