Episode 657 – The iPhone 13 Sedition Edition

Tim Corrimal/ June 26, 2022/ 2022, Biden, bowers, cheney, comedy, Committee, corona, coronavirus, covid-19, cruz, democracy, democratic, donoghue, glbt, harris, hearing, hutchinson, january 6, joe, kamala, kinzinger, lesbian, liberal, luckier, morning joe, moss, netrootsradio.com, Podcast, Podcasts, political, politics, POTUS, potus46, president, radioforhumans.com, roe, roe v. wade, stein, thompson, Tim Corrimal, wade, Waters

The Tim Corrimal Show Episode 657 – June 26, 2022 On episode 657 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Joe (@Marnus3 on Twitter) from The Poorly Written Political Blog, Francie (@Francie57 on Twitter), Sue (@841920meema6 on Twitter) and https://bren-books.com, and Tee Brown (@TeresaBlack7771 on Twitter) who is the host […]

Episode 656 – The Gospel according to Boebert

Tim Corrimal/ June 19, 2022/ 2022, aguilar, Biden, cheney, colbert, comedy, Committee, corona, coronavirus, covid-19, democracy, democratic, drunk rudy, glbt, harris, hearing, hutchinson, january 6, joe, kamala, kimmel, lesbian, liberal, lofgren, morning joe, netrootsradio.com, Pence, Podcast, Podcasts, political, politics, POTUS, potus46, president, radioforhumans.com, Tim Corrimal

The Tim Corrimal Show Episode 656 – June 19, 2022 On episode 656 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Joe (@Marnus3 on Twitter) from The Poorly Written Political Blog, Cathy (@Cathy47204163 on Twitter) and from the Let’s Remember To Never Forget Facebook Page, John Bridevaux (@BlueDotInTexas on Twitter) […]

Episode 655 – Counter Programming

Tim Corrimal/ June 12, 2022/ 2022, Biden, boys, Buttigieg, cheney, colbert, comedy, Committee, cooper, corona, coronavirus, covid-19, democracy, democratic, edwards, glbt, harris, hearing, january 6, joe, kamala, lemire, lesbian, liberal, mcconaughey, molina, netrootsradio.com, oliver, Podcast, Podcasts, political, politics, POTUS, potus46, president, proud, radioforhumans.com, Raskin, thompson, Tim Corrimal, wallace

The Tim Corrimal Show Episode 655 – June 12, 2022 On episode 655 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Joe (@Marnus3 on Twitter) from The Poorly Written Political Blog and Tee Brown (@TeresaBlack7771 on Twitter) who is the host of “Tea Time with Tee” on Facebook and TikTok. On […]

Episode 648 – DeSantis World

Tim Corrimal/ April 10, 2022/ 2022, Biden, cheney, comedy, cornyn, corona, coronavirus, covid-19, democracy, democratic, desantis, glbt, gowdy, harris, harrison, hogan, joe, kamala, kimmel, kinzinger, lesbian, liberal, maccallum, meyers, morning joe, mystal, netrootsradio.com, Podcast, Podcasts, political, politics, POTUS, potus46, president, radioforhumans.com, reid, schatz, Tim Corrimal

The Tim Corrimal Show Episode 648 – April 10, 2022 On episode 648 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Joe (@Marnus3 on Twitter) from The Poorly Written Political Blog, Thom (@AnOldLefty on Twitter), Tee Brown (@TeresaBlack7771 on Twitter) who is the host of “Tea Time with Tee” on Facebook […]

Episode 646 – Lindsey Graham Southern Outrage Academy

Tim Corrimal/ March 27, 2022/ 2022, Biden, cheney, comedy, corona, coronavirus, covid-19, democracy, democratic, discovery, durbin, glbt, harris, joe, kamala, kimmel, lesbian, liberal, mccarthy, mcconnell, morning joe, netrootsradio.com, phillip, Podcast, Podcasts, political, politics, POTUS, potus46, president, radioforhumans.com, sasse, scarborough, tillis, Tim Corrimal, tobin

The Tim Corrimal Show Episode 646 – March 27, 2022 On episode 646 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Joe (@Marnus3 on Twitter) from The Poorly Written Political Blog, Cathy (@Cathy47204163 on Twitter) and from the Let’s Remember To Never Forget Facebook Page, and Tee Brown (@TeresaBlack7771 on […]

Episode 636 – Gross Old Pr!cks

Tim Corrimal/ January 9, 2022/ 2022, 6, alcindor, Biden, cheney, comedy, corona, coronavirus, covid-19, democracy, democratic, glbt, insurrection, january, january 6, joe, kamala, karl, lesbian, liberal, mary trump, melber, morning joe, navarro, netrootsradio.com, o'sullivan, Podcast, Podcasts, political, politics, POTUS, potus46, president, radioforhumans.com, schiff, stelter, thompson, Tim Corrimal, vice-president

The Tim Corrimal Show Episode 636 – January 9, 2022 On episode 636 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Joe (@Marnus3 on Twitter) from The Poorly Written Political Blog, Thom (@AnOldLefty on Twitter), Sue (@SueInRockville on Instagram) and https://bren-books.com, and John Bridevaux (@BlueDotInTexas on Twitter) from his awesome video blog […]

Episode 634 – Santa Liz’s Christmas Sack

Tim Corrimal/ December 19, 2021/ 2021, avlon, Biden, cheney, christmas, colbert, comedy, corona, coronavirus, covid-19, democracy, democratic, farrah, fauci, glbt, joe, Jolly, kamala, klobuchar, lesbian, liberal, liz, meadows, meyers, morning joe, netrootsradio.com, pelosi, Podcast, Podcasts, political, politics, POTUS, potus46, president, radioforhumans.com, sack, scarborough, schiff, taylor, texts, Tim Corrimal, vaccine, vice-president, wallace

The Tim Corrimal Show Episode 634 – December 19, 2021 On episode 634 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Joe (@Marnus3 on Twitter) from The Poorly Written Political Blog, Francie (@Francie57 on Twitter), Seth (@SethP23 on Twitter) from the VEGANesp Blog, and Justice Putnam (@justiceputnam on Twitter) from NetrootsRadio.com […]

Episode 630 – Q-Recruiter

Tim Corrimal/ November 14, 2021/ 2021, bannon, Berman, Biden, big bird, bolling, cheney, comedy, cooper, corona, coronavirus, covid-19, democracy, democratic, faulkner, gergen, glbt, joe, kamala, kimmel, lesbian, liberal, morning joe, netrootsradio.com, Podcast, Podcasts, political, politics, POTUS, potus46, president, radioforhumans.com, Roy, ruhle, scarborough, swalwell, Tim Corrimal, upton, vaccine, vice-president, wallace

The Tim Corrimal Show Episode 630 – November 14, 2021 On episode 630 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Joe (@Marnus3 on Twitter) from The Poorly Written Political Blog, Cathy (@Cathy47204163 on Twitter) and from the Let’s Remember To Never Forget Facebook Page, Sue (@Broad70 on Twitter) and […]

Episode 617 – American Heroes

Tim Corrimal/ August 1, 2021/ 2021, Biden, cheney, comedy, Committee, corona, coronavirus, covid-19, democracy, democratic, dowd, dunn, ESPN, fanone, fauci, gaetz, glaude, glbt, gohmert, gonell, green, heilemann, hodges, hoyer, january 6, joe, kamala, kelly, kinzinger, lemon, lesbian, liberal, mccarthy, mccaskill, morning joe, netrootsradio.com, newsom, Podcast, Podcasts, political, politics, POTUS, potus46, president, radioforhumans.com, Ryan, select, Tim Corrimal, todd whitman, vaccine, vice-president

The Tim Corrimal Show Episode 617 – August 1, 2021 On episode 617 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Cathy (@Cathy47204163 on Twitter) and from the Let’s Remember To Never Forget Facebook Page, John Bridevaux (@BlueDotInTexas on Twitter) from his awesome video blog A Blue Dot In Texas, and […]

Episode 617 – American Heroes

Tim Corrimal/ August 1, 2021/ 2021, Biden, cheney, comedy, Committee, corona, coronavirus, covid-19, democracy, democratic, dowd, dunn, ESPN, fanone, fauci, gaetz, glaude, glbt, gohmert, gonell, green, heilemann, hodges, hoyer, january 6, joe, kamala, kelly, kinzinger, lemon, lesbian, liberal, mccarthy, mccaskill, morning joe, netrootsradio.com, newsom, Podcast, Podcasts, political, politics, POTUS, potus46, president, radioforhumans.com, Ryan, select, Tim Corrimal, todd whitman, vaccine, vice-president

The Tim Corrimal Show Episode 617 – August 1, 2021 On episode 617 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table with Cathy (@Cathy47204163 on Twitter) and from the Let’s Remember To Never Forget Facebook Page, John Bridevaux (@BlueDotInTexas on Twitter) from his awesome video blog A Blue Dot In Texas, and […]